In accordance with ARTICLE 11 (Amended with its title: OG-14/2/2014-28913), Higher Education Institutions Disabled Student Units at Haliç University in 2018; Under the chairmanship of a vice-rector, coordinator lecturers or assistants specializing in the field of disabled people or specializing in the field of special education, and representatives selected from the managers or academic persons to be assigned by the relevant departments, faculties, colleges and institutes, the administrative, physical, accommodation needs of the disabled students, and the social and academic “Disabled Students Unit Coordinatorship" directly affiliated to the Rectorate in order to determine the needs related to the fields and to determine what needs to be done to meet these needs, to plan, implement and develop the studies to be done and to evaluate the results of the studies; It was established under the chairmanship of Prof. Dr. Hürriyet Gürsel Yıldırım. Assoc. Dr.Menşure Aydın was appointed as the unit coordinator in accordance with the date and number of Haliç University Rectorate on 18/12/2019-11404.
Determine the needs of our students with disabilities, plan the administrative arrangements to be made according to the determined needs, create the necessary infrastructure standards to meet all requirements in academic, social and personal fields, provide equal services, and develop disability awareness among the university staff.
Provide accessibility for our students with disabilities to use current information and technology, make our university preferable for students with disabilities using the equipment that will support their studies, and also research, develop and practice at national and international standards.
Aims and Goals
Our main goal is to make arrangements that will provide more comfortable education and training opportunities for our disabled students studying at Haliç University and to make our university a preferred institution by students with disabilities. Accordingly, to determine the needs of our disabled students and to meet these requirements within the possibilities, to arrange the education programs in a way that will positively affect the academic, physical, psychological and social lives of our disabled students, to prepare educational environments and equipment used in education in a way that is suitable for our disabled students, and to make an accurate and fair measurement in exams. And it is necessary to create an assessment environment, to adapt the transportation between the university and the city to our disabled students, and to raise awareness about the concept of “disability" for everyone working at the university.
Our primary objectives to achieve the goal are:
1) To identify disabled students in our university
2) To determine the problems of students with disabilities about their disability by means of questionnaires
3) To reveal the difficulties of being disabled in our university
4) To evaluate which problems are prioritized during the solution phase based on student surveys and the studies of the unit.
5) To resolve the problems that are evaluated as priority
6) To do solution studies on other problems