Crossborder Cooperation Programs

Crossborder Cooperation Programs

​Cross-Border Cooperation Programs envisage cooperation for balanced development in the common border regions of EU countries, between the border regions of third countries that have borders with EU member countries, and between the regions within the Union itself. The aim of Cross-Border Cooperation Programs, which is one of the tools of the European Neighborhood Policy as well as the EU Regional Policy, is to support cooperation for economic and social development in border regions.​

Under Cross-Border Cooperation, our country participates in the Interreg Bulgaria-Turkey IPA Cross-Border Cooperation Program and the ENI Cross-Border Cooperation Program in the Black Sea Basin. In addition to these two programs, our country can benefit from the Interreg NEXT Mediterranean Basin Cross-Border Cooperation Program for the first time in the 2021-2027 period. You can access the relevant regional fund programs below.

​​B​ulgaria-Türkiye Programme
Black Sea Basin Programme
Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme​

Click to access the Cross-Border Cooperation Programs website.​