Digital CV Preparation

Digital CV Preparation
Dear Students and Graduates,

As the Career Center, we support you to set up a WordPress-based personal website to create your digital footprint.

  • You can send your resume to and indicate that you want to create a Digital CV in the e-mail. Your Digital CV will be prepared and your username and password will be sent to you within 5 working days.
  • If your resume is not ready, tick the option “I approve the preparation and publication of my digital CV" for the last question in the “CV Maker Form". Along with your resume, your Digital CV will also be created and sent to you by e-mail.

  • What is a Digital Footprint?
It is the data trace you create while using the internet. The content you share shows who you are and what you represent. Google your name and peruse the search results, as a potential employer would. Put yourself in the employer's shoes and ask, “Does my online profile give you tips for the job I want to do?”
  • Why should I set up a Personal Website?
Your personal website, which you regularly update, can be a reliable source for the profession you want to acquire.

•   The name of your web page can be in the form of your name and surname like
•   Publish content at regular intervals, for example every week or every month.
• Images make your content easier to read. Use royalty-free (stock photo) photos: , ,
•   Share your content on your LinkedIn, Twitter profiles.
  • What Can I Share?

•  Upload your resume by opening a tab on your website.

• Share your internship, job, project, competition, club, NGO volunteer work with the competencies it has given you (e.g. being in a part-time sales job has strengthened your communication with people and learned to cope with difficult situations).

•  Let them understand who you are, what you do and what you want to do. Make sure you google with keywords related to the job you want to do. (#)

•  Share the opinions of the people with whom you work / work (even voluntarily) about your competencies.

•  Share your short comments about the events you attended.

•  Share your homework or project that you have prepared for your education as a summary.

•  Make sure to link your LinkedIn (everyone), Behance (designers), Github (software), Youtube Channel, Medium profiles on your page.

  • Google Digital Workshop
You can also learn skills that will be useful in the digital world.