Islamic Studies Club

Islamic Studies Club
  • ​​​​About Club

The Islamic Studies Club was established by a group of volunteers, without being affiliated with any institution, organization, community or formation, by centered on the effort to understand Islam. It was shaped around Islamic sciences such as fiqh, siyer, hadith, kalam, creed, tafsir, as well as branches.

Bringing the studies related to the religion of Islam, which has a very high impact on the political, economic, global structures and institutions in the global scale and especially in our geography, to the required level, studies and investigations to understand the nature of the phenomenon of Islam and understanding this religion, Islam religion is the forefront of regulations for all layers of life. It is one of the main aims of the Islamic Studies Club. In line with these goals, the club achieves its goals through seminars, conferences, panels, interviews, meetings and documentary screenings. In addition to these, with the spring semester, it is one of the primary goals to create a riche​r community with Quran lessons, Islamic art museums, visits to mosques outside and inside the city, and spring conversations by making an effort to better understand the place of Islam in our lives.​

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