Message from the Dean

Welcome to Haliç University Faculty of Engineering. We are very pleased and happy to see you, our students, who are the main element of education and training, at our university. I would like you to know that the years you will spend here will truly be the most important period of your lives in terms of your future. We, as your professors, will do our best to raise you as determined, hardworking and entrepreneurial people in real life, as well as the technical infrastructure, analytical thinking, questioning, analyzing and synthesizing, establishing cause-effect relationships, experimentation and creative thinking skills in the engineering profession, which are composed of various disciplines and are based on mathematics, physics and their applications in an unlimited number of various combinations.

I have no doubt that with the knowledge, experience and discipline you will receive from our experienced and well- qualified professors in our increasingly strong Faculty of Engineering, you will make pioneering and seminal studies in your professions and make significant contributions to the land where you grew up in the future. In this way, you will not only advance in your professions but also represent our university as well-educated students and professionals.

The years you will spend with us here will stay with you for the rest of your lives and we hope that you will always remember your professors who worked so hard to raise you and that you will always maintain the positive human and professional values we will bring you. We will try to raise you as good engineers in accordance with international standards. If you, as students, do your part and work disciplined and hard, it will be possible for you to work as exemplary people and good engineers who observe professional ethics in Türkiye and all over the world.

While you, our valuable students, walk confidently into the future with the engineering profession you will acquire to ensure your lives, we, as the Faculty of Engineering, will always be with you with our experienced and idealistic academic and administrative staff and we will be happy and honored with your success.

I wish you all success on your engineering journey in advance.

Prof. Salaheddine Bendak

Faculty of Engineering