Message from the Director

Nursing has a dynamic structure consisting of science and art, which approaches individuals with a holistic view of biological, physical, psychological, sociological, cultural and spiritual aspects. In today’s world, changes in nursing and the advances in healthcare and technology require nurses to be efficient, creative, good at empathizing, emotional, fully equipped with humanist knowledge and provide effective services for people’s health. It should not be forgotten that the basis of nursing is helping. With the existence of human beings; speaking about the importance of nursing is inevitable in every environment, where people live. Therefore, nursing is an applied health discipline that is highly significant for human life.    

The undergraduate four-year program of Nursing aims to raise professional nurses who not only will switch from duty-based care to patient-focused care, contribute to their profession with their researches, work for both the care of the patient and for improvements in health, make researches based on facts, serve as creative agents for the improvements in their profession minding professional ethics and embrace our aesthetic, cultural and historical values; but also will be sensitive to their country’s problems, successful in their profession, open to competitions, active at an international level.

Being the first Nursing School of a foundation university in Turkey, our School have started to give education in 1999. Besides the undergraduate education, Master’s and Doctoral Programs are opened respectively in 2005 and 2011. Our theoretical courses are given to the students by Turkey’s best lecturers. Field-based trainings are performed in state, university and private hospitals under the supervision of our lecturers. With the internship programs at the last grade, our students have the opportunity both to enhance their trainings and increase their chance to find a job. Following their graduation, they can do their master and doctorate degrees. For all these reasons, our School maintains its position as the most preferred School among the foundation universities.

Assit. Prof. Dr. Gülcan Kendirkıran

Director of Nursing School​