Other Funds

​​Consulate General of Sweden​​

Consulate General of Sweden in Istanbul Turkish-Swedish Cooperation Unit; In Turkey, support is provided on human rights, gender equality and discrimination, ensuring a more pluralistic civil society and democratic accountability, and equality between men and women. Priority project topics determined for each year, call and application process can be followed on the institution website. Fund support is open to legal entities.

Turkish-Swedish Cooperation Unit​

British Embassy

British Embassy Welfare Fund:

The fund, which aims to promote economic reforms and development in order to remove obstacles to economic growth and reduce poverty, has been open to applications from Turkey since 2011. Every year, project priorities, calls and application processes for funding support are published on the website https://www.gov.uk/guidance/uk-prosperity-fund-turkey. Fund support is open to legal entities.​

Australian Embassy

Project funds within the scope of the Australian Embassy's Direct Aid Program (DAP) are primarily; It is awarded to projects that have a lasting impact on disadvantaged communities, including refugees, women and children, and focus on achieving practical and concrete results in social/rural development, education, gender equality, people with disabilities, youth and economic empowerment.

Individuals, local and international NGOs, government institutions, academic institutions or other non-profit and community-level development activities can benefit from DAP funds.

Applications are made through the Australian Embassy corporate website. https://turkey.embassy.gov.au/anka/home.html