Our club examines quality in two headings:
The first is Quality in Business Life and the second is Quality as a Way of Life
So what do these headlines mean?
Quality in business life is a form of management. Although there are many quality models in the world, the one we are guided by is EFQM (European Foundation for Quality Management), the most prestigious model in Europe. This model emphasizes that success in customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction and impact on society can be achieved with the guidance of an appropriate leadership approach, and thus, excellence in business results can be achieved. One of the most beautiful aspects of this model is that it can be applied in many sectors, ranging from the automotive sector to the service sector, from the service sector to public organizations. In fact, our university also set its goals by switching to the EFQM model last fall semester. We also took part in this process. In business life, we aim to gain experience about the business life firstly by taking certified trainings in order to become aware of such issues, and then organizing technical visits during our academic endeavors.
It is necessary to point out KalDer (Turkish Quality Association).
KalDer is a very large association with a 30-year history that continues its work for the development of institutions and organizations in our country to compete in the international environment, and we, as GençKal, are the young extensions of this institution. KalDer organizes many events that bring the business world together during the year, as well as a congress attended by quite popular names once a year. As a community, we have the opportunity to participate in these events for free, as well as to create a massive network.
Quality as a Way of Life: We aim to organize activities in the conversation style with well-known people who dedicated themselves to the society, to have a pleasant time, and to be inspired by them.
Our mission is to know no bounds in continuous development and growth by including everyone in quality.
Our mission is to protect our members against competition and even ensure that they lead the competition by transforming the culture of excellence into a way of life.